Friday 26 July 2013

I love my job and have done ever since I retrained to become a teacher 13 years ago. I really do think that its trying to kill me though! I had the nightmare again last night, the one where I cant get to school no matter what I do. I haven't called in, I can't because the phone doesn't work all the buttons have gone squishy and don't line up, oh and its a giant mobile phone. It's 5 past 9 and the time is racing by and all I can think of is the class of children who are at school alone with no cover teacher! Im in a cold sweat because of how much trouble I will be in when I get to school. Various obstacles are always in the way like I'm miles away and have no transport and I'm racking my brains as to how I got there and why as I knew I should be in school today. Then an obscure friend who I haven't seen for years pops in the dream and tells me I've really got to help her now...........then I wake up panicking and racked with guilt in a real cold sweat. A huge sense of relief washes over me as I slowly wake up and realise I'm 1 week into the school holiday and my life is my own for 5 more weeks. Message to Mr Gove if you take my holiday I will give up teaching as the holiday is the only thing that keeps me sane.